Saturday, 27 October 2012

The way to change HTC boot screen !

Many HTC Dream G1 went through the T-Mobile ROM to be Roote ... And from the start, the T-Mobile logo that appears before the animated Android boot.

Here is the procedure to change the boot image called Spash screen or Bootscreen.

- 1 HTC Dream Roote
- A Haykuro SPL 1.33.2005

For mobiles that are passed on Kernel 2708 (SPL 1.33.0013d ​​radio SPL 1.33.0013d ​​therefore must board temporarily SPL 1.33.2005 Haykuro
1) In the recovery, make a backup Nanroid
2) Flasher (via recovery) SPL 1.33.2005 (Haykuyro)
3) Make the tutorial below
4) Reflashing 1.33.0013d ​​(installation, reboot, wipe)
5) nandroid Restorer

- Download the program "Boot Screen Flasher 3000" at:
- Unzip the program on your PC
- Connect your mobile to the PC via USB cable
- Turn your Mobile fastboot mode (Camera Power) and press send to connect USB

1. Open the directory on the PC BSF300
2. Create your image by launching CreateG1Splash.exe, choose your image for the boot (for best results format 320 x 480 PNG is expected)
3. Press convert and place the file in the directory created BSF300
4. Start the program bootflash.bat
5. Select option 2 to flash your image.

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