
Monday, 5 November 2012


    Dial-up connections that are intrinsically slower connectionsmodern broadband. However, in some regions, broadband connections are still prohibitive or unavailable. For users in these areas, dial-up connections are the only type of internet service available. If you are currently on a dial-up connection, there are things you can do to make your dialup connection run faster. It will never be as fast as DSL or cable, you can ensure that your connection is as effective as possible.


  1. Make sure you use a 56k modem and your ISP provides a connection speed of 56 k. Make sure you use the same connection technology, 56 k connections can be x 2, V.90 or K56flex. Call your ISP to know what technology they use and confirm that your modem uses the same technology.
  2. Disconnect all other devices from the back of the modem. Telephones, fax machines and answering machines are supposed to be ignored when the modem is connected, but this is not always the case. Connect the modem directly to your telephone. Do not run the line through surge protectors, extenders or line splitting devices.
  3. Scan your computer for spyware and viruses. Download or buy any security suite that can analyze all types of malware. Norton AntiVirus, Antivirus Avast and AVG Free are all options to be considered. Delete all against malware detected by the scanner. Analyze the system regularly to ensure it is always free of spyware, viruses and other malicious software such as malware can slow the performance of your computer.
  4. Use a Web browser quickly. Each browser renders web pages at a different speed. Consider Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Try each browser until you find one that works fastest on your system. The best choice will vary depending on your system hardware, and configuration tasks that you perform online.
  5. Clear the browser cache and temporary files. These files accumulate as you use the Internet and can slow down the speed of your connection. The procedure for deleting the unnecessary files varies from one browser to another. See the help file of your browser or the User Manual.


Even if you use a modem 56 k 56 k on an ISP, you may not be able to connect at full speed when the phone lines in your area can not handle the speed of data transmission.

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