
Thursday, 3 January 2013

Change the User Agent of your PC Web browser that of a mobile

For various reasons, it may be useful to convince the website you visited, your surfing with a browser other than actually used. This is the case eg for tethering is blocked by some mobile operators. To work around this problem you just have to believe that the operator browses the Internet from a mobile device and not a PC. But tell me, as an operator can know if you surf with a mobile phone or a computer? Well this is very simple, each browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc ...) has a User Agent to own him. And websites that you visit this control User Agent.
The approach that I will describe below aims to change the User Agent of the browser of your computer than your mobile phone. For this example we will take the Firefox browser.
From your mobile phone go on the internet and crafting the following link: Whats My User Agent .
Note carefully the text that appears below the line Your User Agent is, like:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux, U, Android 2.2, fr-fr, GT-I9000 Build / FROYO) AppleWebKit/5533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
Now on the web browser on your computer. In the area of writing URL about: config . A warning message will appear. Click I would be careful, I promise!
Made with a filter value useragent . Double-click the line general.useragent.extra.firefox . Change the USER AGENT with the one you have collected on your mobile.
"Update 23/10/2011: This option has been removed in Version 7 of Firefox. Probably because it also allowed to skip the waiting time on some download sites online. If you're on Firefox 7 follow the steps described on the following link: Link " 
The procedure is now complete. It should work.
The only drawback with the modification of USER AGENT is that when you go to a site that has a normal version and a mobile version, it will appear that the mobile version. Fortunately you can always switch to the normal version.
If you do not return the original Firefox User Agent, you will always have this scenario.
Fortunately on Firefox , there is a module that allows you to switch between two or more USER AGENT: User Agent Switcher .

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