
Friday, 18 January 2013

Or download quickly? What are some good sites?

This article is a guide on completing the tutorial download torrent . We will view or download quickly on what sites appear first in the files, and how to get around the limits of megaupload, and the art of finding files not found on the net. The only thing that is missing to guide the treatment of "newsgroups". All this could be likened to a science, because the techniques are constantly evolving and highly specialized methods.
Could be summarized simply as follows: "everything is on google", but here are some guidelines to direct you in your search.
I would like to clarify that the content of this post is not illegal, nor the links listed below. Little additional warning about the files that you download and what you do: you are the one and only responsibility.

1. Where to download broadband?
Everything depends on your target, if you want a file that has just appeared on the net, or the opposite case, if you are looking for a file that already exists on the web, for example: a cult film, a historical document ...
1.a I want a recent file, a music that comes out, a movie, a game ...
Do not look this torrent file, it will surely be available, but at what speed? One person send the file coveted, while thousands will try to get it ... you're not left the inn. So we have to turn to the direct download, the file will probably sent to a server type "megaupload" or "rapidshare".
1.b I am looking for a file that is already coveted be on the internet for some time:
In this case, the stream will also be appropriate for direct download. On highly sought files, links mirrors are very common and therefore easy to find.
1.c I am looking for a file rather rare must already be on the internet for some time:
The direct download link always seems to be the easiest solution, however, the links are probably dead, because they are too old (but you can always try your luck some servers keep their files very long). As you understand, the torrent will be more appropriate to find old files or rare. The seeds (owners of the complete file) will be few, but they are present. Ballast it clear that the flow will not necessarily be at the rendezvous, but eventually you will get your entire file.
2. Good sites to download:
2a. Direct Download:
_ Nothing better than a google search as effective HEREProjectW
DimaplusExtreme download
WaWa city
2b. Torrents:
Take a look at the state of trackers, open enrollment or not? (international) (international)
big box
Unlimited trackertorrent411
Play the net
2b.bis Xbox / Game consoles:
RLSgame (direct download all consoles)
The7sky (xbox, psp, wii, pc)
Xboxunlimited (forum)
Xbox360iso (forum) (ps3)
2c. Newsgroups:
3. Unrestrained.
A premium link generator is a site that can download files reserved for Premium accounts on sites such megaupload. Paste in your link and debride the site will do the rest, allowing you to download unlimited!
Here is a small list of downloaders:
_ Article Tuto4you: megaupload premium link generator and 
rapishare, Easy-share, Gigasize, Hotfile.)

To go further: for webmasters, here is the script to put in place a system unlock on its own website: Link .
4. Find the unfindable.
As we always say "google is your friend."
 This search engine is amazing, you can try almost everything and anything to find what you want, even a complete sentence, such as "in What year was released the last album of Elvis Presley "and it will work: result (the 2nd link) . He also knows how to solve math, translate, or give a definition using the syntax "define: word define +."However, to find what you want without spending hours, it is important to narrow your search with keywords that you think are more accurate. Here are some ideas for you refer:
_ Looking for how to achieve something, start your search: "how + what you want to do"
_ a movie or a game, "movie name + size / or / platform " 
 + megaupload (or similar: ProjectW, ...).
_ A music "as + (download). mp3", if you do not know the title, type the words you have in mind to find the name of your music (you can also try "  songtapper  "if you do not remember until the air).
_ A document, a manual, a book: "title (or model / reference if you are looking for a manual) type of document + +. pdf "for a book, you can search by typing a passage, phrase, also try google book .
_ a photo via google image.
Info: You can force google search to exactly one term, not what may come close. to do just to keep putting the word in quotation marks. You can also exclude a word, google will not display any page containing the word to be excluded. Just put a minus before the word to be excluded (without space) like this:-excluded.

5. Find a specific file
during your search on google, you can not find the file coveted, but you find the exact name of the release, eg for call of duty DLC, the file is named " 
 xp-boep2 " . you can find this term on google, without any other addition, to see what sites talk or host file.
You can also search your file on the excellent search engine DDL "  FilesTube ". This website is unique indexing many files on websites such as watch The fileserve or (and many others!). For this series is excellent, here is a test with episode 3 season 1 of the series Misfits: demo .
Additionally, you will find a small addon for firefox to easily do your research right here !
Here, c is the end of this tutorial, hoping that your research on the net will be successful. You can leave comments on your favorite sites!
As you can see, it lacks a section about "newsgroups": you let me know!
to see more: ticket on the series vostfr megaupload premium link generator and others.

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