
Saturday, 2 February 2013

[UPDATE] Free Premium Account Rapidshare, Wupload, Hotfile ... (cookie Chrome)

As you probably know, nothing simpler than to get direct download games, movies and music on the net. But services such as Wupload, depositfile, Rapidshare or if you are paying too greedy.Here's a way to trick the hosts file to make them believe that you have paid your subscription. We will use a fault located in these cookies created by download platform.
Shift from 06/02/2012: Recasting the tutorial, use is much more simple Google Chrome plugin coupled with "  Premium cookie injector  . " Mode job is re-adapted to this software.
_A PC e Windows
_The browser Chrome and the plugin "  Premium cookie injector " 
Multi Cookie Generator
Info: do not hesitate to share your premium account has so that the whole community benefits. For a given password, you can help all users of MCG!
The following example will use the scene for a file stored on the site, but for competitors, the method is the same!
1. Go on and create an account. (Only one account per IP address allowed, beware!)
2. In the download section of the site, download "  Multi Cookie Generator ", and then run. (You can see the number of premium account available host in the "content").
info: you can use the cookie generator online here:
3. Select the desired host and select the "return cookie." Then click the "generate" button and then "Copy" to copy paste the code that is cookie part:
4 . Open Chrome and go to "" (or another depending on the site that hosts your file), and click the small button-shaped cookie. Paste the previously recovered, and then click inject cookie.
5. reload the site itself, and then ye are connected to a premium account. Now click on the link to download your file and enjoy!
At the joys of unlimited download!
_erreur cookie: Sometimes the software MCG you a cookie out of a non-premium account, you must either change provider (see list under content) or, to click on "generate".
_erreur ip address:
Q: I run MCG and I receive an error message telling me that I am not registered or that my ip is not recognized, what? R: please visit this page and enter your username and click "changes to current ip address." After restart MCG.

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