
Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Installous: download apps cracked (ipa) for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Installous is just as vShare a Cydia app that allows you to download applications and games cracked IPA format for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
installous Hackulous 5

Prerequisites :
  • iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch jailbroken
Installation tutorial vShare:
1) Launch Cydia and add the source: (Manage> Sources> Edit> Add)
cydia hackulo us
2) Go to manage then
cydia sources
3) Look Installous 5 then install the application
hackulo usinstallous 5
4) Launch Installous
Application installous 5
5) Go to Settings and select Install Automatically
6) Scroll to an application, press Download and select a host
week calendardownload installous
7) Enter the Captcha and download your application
code installoussendspace
8) Wait for the download and installation
installs calendar week

It's over to you, the App Store for free with Installous!

1 comment:

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