Saturday, 22 December 2012


One of the nice things about the Web is the methodit offers fast to find people. With many sites specifically dedicated to helping people find other people and a little information, you can find almost anyone. If you have someone's name and address need to obtain, you can do so using one of the many people-search websites.
Difficulty: Easy


  1. Find the address of a person with Yahoo! People Search (see Resources). Type the name or the first initial of the person you are looking for in the text box name "initial" type the last name into the text field "Name", and if you know it, type the city ​​and state in the text boxes "City" and "State".Click "Search" to find your address.
  2. Find an address with people to find White Pages (see Resources). Enter the name of the person in the text box "Name", type its name in the text box "Name", and if you have this information, type the city and state or zip code in the text box "City, State or ZIP." Click "Search" to find his address.
  3. Search an address book with digital standard (see Resources). Type its name in the text box "Name", type its name in the text box "Name", type his home town or postal code (if known), and if you know, select Status person residing in the dropdown list. Click "Search" to find your address.

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