Saturday, 27 October 2012

How to save on printer ink?

How to save on printer ink?

Consumption and ink cartridges prices are rising. To print less and save ink, we must develop a genuine strategy to reduce printing costs in all areas of expenditure: printer cartridge, paper. Here are the steps to follow to save ink when you print.

At the printer:
You have to think to clean the nozzles via drivers before use especially if it was a long time you did not lit.
Setting pilots based print quality desired. For example, all documents need not be printed in color. You can opt for monochrome printing.
Choose an alternative print manager as FinePrint to select the documents you need to print
Finally, if your printer date, you must remember to change as technologies evolve quickly and the amount of ink used in the new printers is much lower. If you do not print much (less than 45 pages per month), it will be wise to buy a laser printer.

NB: If you have multiple printers, consider setting your printing profiles depending on the desired print quantity.
To do this, he must go to Control Panel -> Devices and Printer (W7) or add a printer (Vista) or Printers and other devices (XP) -> Local Printer -> Use the following port until 'to 001 USB -> Select the printer and click Finish.
Must then return to the Control Panel, right click on your new printer profile, and then click Print option to change the driver settings to suit your needs.

At the cartridge.
The cartridges are more sophisticated (incorporating microchips, digital recognition ...). When buying a printer, it is often difficult to make any cartridges, manufacturers strive to make the consumers have no choice but to buy their brand.
Nevertheless, the competition and the market adapts to changing cartridges. In store, if you find that the cartridge manufacturer is expensive and you want to buy a brand distributor, we must be very careful about the quality of the ink quantity and especially the compatibility with your printer
Remember also to buy cartridges as packs or high capacity. When the cartridge is finished, remember to recharge a specialist than buying a new one.

At the printing paper:
Did you know that some fonts are more economical than others. Indeed, the Century Gothic font, Ecofont and Times New Roman are the least intensive printing ink.
However, we must avoid such Tahoma or Franklin Gothic. At the leaf level, consider double-sided printing. The A4 sheets are the most economical, finally, if you print a document for personal use, consider reducing the size of the police.

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