Sunday, 28 October 2012

How to validate its formal name on G+?

Once is not custom, I'll try to make a useful article. Yes perfectly together on the same page: useful, google+ and RaphSEO is not incompatible.
I warn you now that I will not go into the debate of interest or utility google+ for SEO or even more generally. You do not see any good and it is perfect keep it up, it suits me ;) .
In speaking with other SEO I realized that many do not use more or less the tool provided by google. And yet I see personally proven benefits and others but I suspect it is only my opinion.

Create a profile and google plus business page

Well I will not dwell on how to create a profile, maximizing ... you'll find it all already on the net.Concretely know that you need a gmail account. Go to page google plus profile creation .
This first step is required before creating a business page on google+. A bit like the Facebook fanpage which requires that either attached to a personal account.
Once this is done and you are Logues look at the bottom of the page, you can link to "create a page" If not you can directly go to the URL for creating a business page .
Again I will not dwell on how, how to optimize your business page google+ . There are tutorials relatively well, but nothing great sorcerer.
Well I can hear some saying thank you Raph but we already know it and you do not tell us anything. I would say this is not true.
But did you know that it is possible to validate its name officially on google plus ? And do you know how? Well yes I almost: p

 Validate its official name page Google +

Yes you read it right, you can validate your name page by Google. A bit like Twitter, the team may decide to accept as authentic account, you can obtain this certification on Google Plus.Except that you can ask to be validated unlike Twitter.
To recognize a business page whose name is validated, it is simple just look at No you have a small V as can be seen below.
most validated google business page
A google plus business page validated
But then, you know Google there are conditions but also passes right imho (I'll talk about later).Nicks requirements to validate the name Google + :
  • first thing your page must be authorized by your good company history to avoid fakes eg
  • google+ profile page must contain a link to the website of the company. But like any goodspammerSEO you have probably already put links wherever you could ;).
  • You must link your company and your website in the opposite direction. This is done by putting your site a Google+ badge
  • and finally, the condition may be more restrictive (whatever) a significant number of people must have to add your page to their circles. After nosed right and left of the figure 1000 emerged. But because there is a but, I'm not at all convinced by this figure. And because I could see google plus business pages behalf validated that had been added in only 40 circles.
So I think that a company already using many Google services, for a certain time, having published on the page itself ... So once again the theory of white list.
Once this is done you must then go to the form page to validate your name . And then you just have to wait, but sometimes 2-3 days is set. Imho, to give you even more opportunities, try to attach the form to see evidence that your name is your business (invoice, any kind ...)

The ratio of: SEO, google+ and validated name?

name google plus verified
Little more than a name google plus verified
Here's a question that is good. Thank you for asking it. I warn you now, the words that follow are mine, they are from speculations and extrapolations.
In my opinion, owning his own business page on Google Plus with a validated name can be a real plus for your visibility , among others.
My feeling is that we could get a boost from a hybrid PersonRank and TrustRank.For more information on these elements I refer you to the articles of Laurent Bourrelly here andthere .
Presumably with the fact that Google has more difficult to dig a site, it might give a little more importance to those actually present on the network. Added to this, a qualitative voluntary and the user to be validated, could give a little more deposit account and all its actions.Specifically, could take more valuable publications, and one other.
I know that many have decried the network, seeing no great interest or not knowing how to use it, but personally I can assure you that I profiting.

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