
Sunday, 28 October 2012

Installing Ubuntu on Android

Running Linux on Android seems difficult to achieve, the installation of Linux, its graphical interface, its mode command prompt .... this is enough to discourage most of us, so if in addition you must install Ubuntu on an Android smartphone, you'll say: "Mission Impossible".
Well you will not see this installation is simple thanks to tools, then do not worry we are going to install together, slowly, you will be guided through screenshots and without realizing it you have a Linux your Android phone. Against by your smartphone will be Roote .
Here in this tutorial we will install Ubuntu on Galaxy S3 , but other Linux distributions should also run this and even other devices.
It begins!
1 - Switching to "USB debug" 
We must begin by putting their smartphone in "USB debugging" on Galaxy S3 Ice Cream Sandwich and in more generally, must go to settings then scroll all the way down into "development options" then check the "Debugging USB "
Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android USB debug mode Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android USB debug mode
2 - Installing Android applications required:
We need 4 Android applications to complete the installation of Ubuntu. These four applications are free.
- Linux Installer
Android installer ubuntu
- Terminal Emulator
Terminal emulator
Link to Play Store
- Android VNC viewer
VNC for Android
- BusyBox
busy box android
Busy Box is needed to run the Terminal Emulator.

3 - How to Install Ubuntu on Galaxy S3:
Launch "Linux Installer".
Entire installation procedure is described in the manual but as you (and me too) do not like reading we will continue our brief description of the installation and launch 
We'll just use this guide to select the Linux distribution to download and install.
Go to the installation guide made "Next". and we arrive on this page:Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android guide
Personally I chose Ubuntu 12, then we choose the type of distribution (command prompt only, small, full)
Click on Ubuntu 12, following, and then click the button "Download image of Ubuntu." Prévoyer in 2.5 GB of free space on your phone.
Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android picture
Then choose the small image, it is enough to start. The mininale has no GUI and will be expanded gourmet space "disk".
Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android version of selection
Then you select the source file. Img Ubuntu. You should choose the option "From Source Forge."
The average image is in 390 MB, it is in ZIP format, it will have to unzip the. ES File Explorer works fine.Extrayer the archive into a folder named "ubuntu" on the phone:
Then return "Linux Installer" to complete the installation. The application will ask you to specify the location of the image of ubuntu sdcard / ubuntu so, then choose the screen resolution (1280 × 720 for Galaxy S3) and a root password. Once the installation is complete., Return to home "Linux Installer" and press "Start."In the drop-down list, choose your installation then click the "Start Linux".
Terminal emulator starts:
Tutorial-installing-ubuntu-on-android TE
Your Ubuntu is launched. But here we are in "command prompt" Linux to access our graphic inteface Ubuntu is through VNC. So start "android vnc viewer."
Leave all fields as configured by default unless the password that you must enter "ubuntu" and not the root password selected during installation.
Make "Connect" and in less than a second you have a Linux installation on Android is available.
We have the keys to Zoom, and bring up the keyboard. The touchscreen works very well, it boggles the mind elsewhere.
I have tested the Internet connection via WIFI and 3G successfully.
The pinch to zoom works, but oddly enough, it looks like it is functional only if we first zoom in using the "+" magnifying glass.
ubuntu on Galaxy S3
ubuntu on Galaxy S3
 To close your Ubuntu instance it will return to the terminal emulator, type "exit" and press OK. Then do not forget to close the installer and Linux VNC.
I personally was amazed by the speed of Ubuntu on Android. Our Linux installation into its own if our Galaxy S3 is connected to a real monitor, a mouse and a real keyboard, it will thus have a PC booster available.
On your turn you install Linux on your Android smartphone.
Do not hesitate to post in the comments combination distribution / smartphone and impressions

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