The jailbreak of iOS 6.1 this is happiness! "Except," "but," "by cons" ... there's a little more annoying bug ... The weather app will not open. The team released a patch Evaders named "UIKit Tools" to solve the problem. But again ... it still does not work. The trouble comes from the software AppSync went wrong digest the passage ios 6. As a reminder, AppSync is essential if you want to use enforcement cracked (downloaded from IPA-Store or Install0us). Here is the manipulation was carried out to find this function.
Info: this bug affects more than the other iPhones 5 a priori.
_iPhone jailbroken in 6.1 (via Evasi0n )
_iFile (available on cydia. HERE tutorial help if needed)
_UiKit Tools (available on cydia)
_iPhone jailbroken in 6.1 (via Evasi0n )
_iFile (available on cydia. HERE tutorial help if needed)
_UiKit Tools (available on cydia)
1. Double-click the Home button and close all applications currently running.
2. Run Cydia, then open the tab "Manage", then select "Packages"
3. Seek "AppSync for iOS 6 +", click on "Edit> Uninstall".
4. Reboot your iPhone.
5. iFile Open the application, then go to "/ var / mobile / Library / Caches /".
6. Locate the following two files, and delete:
- com.apple.mobile.installation.plist
- com.apple.LaunchServices-045.csstore
- com.apple.mobile.installation.plist
- com.apple.LaunchServices-045.csstore
7. Reboot your device again.
8. Returning to the menu part of your application does not appear any more. Wait for the iPhone to rebuild itself its database. The time varies depending on the number of applications you have.Wait until all your apps are detected before proceeding.
9. Moment of truth. Open the Weather app and see that it works correctly.
10. Returning to cydia, you can again download "AppSync for iOS 6 +", which is essential if you want to use cracked applications.
For those who do not know or look, add this source to your cydia "http: / / appaddict.org / repo "
For those who do not know or look, add this source to your cydia "http: / / appaddict.org / repo "
11. Once all income in order, check the weather app still works and smile

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